Regaining Cognitive Functional Ability

Regaining cognitive functional ability is a slow methodical process for the mind/body to recover from dysfunction or dis-ease. Because trauma happens as a result of not being able to self-regulate one’s experience of it along with its feelings & emotions, trauma occurs by violating one’s boundaries of one’s body/mind. The energy of trauma is of a lower vibration thereby heavier in nature affecting the body/mind and its interface with one’s literal spirit and their functional capacity to recognize comprehend and understand themselves within themselves, their outer environment and how they relate to both to maintain themselves in any given place they may find themselves in outwardly or inwardly. Trauma is specific to the levels of being and ages of existence affected by the trauma.  Both the levels of being and ages of existence affected by the trauma will need to acquire the details needed to heal from the trauma so it makes sense to both the levels of being and ages of existence involved in the phenomena that caused the trauma. The details of such matters will be located within the ego and once they are liberated from it by the metaphysical bodies and presented to the indwelling spirit where it can recognize, comprehend, and understand what happened to them and why. The spirit then can forgive completely the trespass and release it to God within to be transformed creating wholeness from the brokenness of the ego and with that function by dissolving old neurological patterns and establishing new ones that are fully functionable from a higher consciousness perspective. Transformation is God’s part in the healing process that brings healing to the body/mind so it may have its dysregulation healed and a better outcome from what was experienced as far as trauma is concerned. Transcendence is also needed in the process to gain the perspective of objectivity from God within through one’s transcendent spirit to verify and vet the information presented to the body/mind from the trauma therefore validating both the trauma and the source of the trauma and one’s connection to God. This is how the heart & soul are designed by God to work with each other together for the benefit of the mind/body and God. In dysfunction the mind becomes the reservoir of the ego where all the feelings and emotions of the trauma go and are contained there by the intellect which weaves a narrative or discourse using the intellect to do so until the wound created by the trauma is contained and enclosed. Spiritual Healing reverses this process making dysfunction whole and complete through transcendence and transformation. Contemplation is a key meditative component for learning about what was transformed from the trauma giving it context and meaning to the body/mind and God. Many insights epiphanies aha moments illuminate the heart and body/mind at the realizations and revelations that are experienced as a result of going through the spiritual healing process. Cognitively function is regained through this process. Every transformation produces a more congruent and coherent mind/body, spirit and soul. The cumulative effect of going through this process produces a greater capacity for resiliency of each component and aspect of being mentioned previously. This heals and restores renews regenerates the spirit, body/mind and soul. Joy returns the spirit and soul are no longer stuck and are able to fly and soar to new heights within and with that comes freedom a healthy sense of self, God and a perspective that can perceive more now than it could previously and therefore make informed better choices for itself in the present moment as its past is now healed and its future has hope to look forward to. During recovery a person may need to be told again and again that when they are doing well and making progress that indeed they are. Early on in the recovery process if the trauma is severe enough they may not have recovered enough to the extent where their self -assessing cognitive functions can inform them that they indeed are doing well. Inwardly God directs the spiritual healing process and helps the body/mind spirit and soul recover eventually fully given the right components and parameters for healing. God puts the pieces back together in a way that is better than before the trauma originally occurred to the mind/body. The person as a result of spiritual healing is well adjusted, cognitive, congruent and coherent between their head and heart mind/body spirit and soul. They have a positive perspective and outlook for life. They are able to tolerate better situations and circumstances that used to give them stress and their problem solving abilities are much improved then before any healing was experienced.

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